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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tom Gilbert Honored on Retirement

Tom & Jan Gilbert
Tom & Jan Gilbert (photo by JHY)

by JHY

Although Tom Gilbert officially retired from his post as National Park Service Superintendent of the North Country National Scenic Trail in May, the association had not had a chance to honor him until the recent annual conference.

First, Tom was presented with a bronze plaque from Bill and Donna Menke. Bill had worked with Tom as the NPS Trail Manager for a number of years. The plaque reads, "Tom Gilbert in recognition and appreciation of his outstanding contributions and dedication to the North Country National Scenic Trail. National Park Service Superintendent 1981-2011." Bill instructed Tom to think of where along the trail he would like to see this placed, and Bill will do his best to arrange that.

Tom Gilbert receives a gift guitar
Tom Gibert (left) receives a guitar from Bruce Matthews (photo by JHY)
The staff of the NCTA then gave Tom a new guitar. Although we haven't often seen Tom play, it's known that he likes to play and sing for his own relaxation.

Finally, with the help of contributions from a number of sources, the Gilberts were given a lifetime membership in the North Country Trail Association. Now that Tom is a private citizen he can become a member.

Since Tom is the only Superintendent the NCT has ever known, this transition really leads the trail into a new era. Pam Schuler, formerly with the Ice Age Trail, has been appointed to serve as Superintendent in an interim capacity.

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